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Body Evolution - Model Before and After

Body Evolution - Model Before and After it would be easier to find a beautiful girl who doesn't need to photoshop her for hours lol - nekronca94
Magic - Nilla Wafers
- 박휸정
I HATE MAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 - Sherlyn Selwyn
Honestly she looks better afterwards - Johnson “theBlackMan” Black
Help me reach 10000000000000000000 SUBSCRIBERS!!!!! SUB NOW!!!!! - RedlogPlays
Check out this video on YouTube: - sofiako
Aren't we all a little fake in our own way? - UCantHandleMe
So over exaggerated. If a model needed this much retouching she wouldn't get hired in the first place! - Alexander Espinal
Why would you give her lighter skin and a smaller butt?

I WANT BIG BLACK BUTTS ARGHHHH!!!!!! - The Bunny Suit Killer
what can I say, very nice! - Erotic ASMR
Unfortunately I feel that it is women who set themselves unrealistic expectations, not photoshop. They all want to look as beautiful as possible, so they transform themselves with make-up, hairstyles, clothes and never-ending diets. It is in their nature. And if anyone more beautiful should come along they don't like it. If a beautiful woman walks into a room, all the others get their claws out, because they know that men will do anything for a beautiful woman.
All this type of photoshoping really does is what every woman wishes she could really do, transform herself to the pinnacle of her beauty. If there existed a photoshop machine that you could go into and come out transformed almost every woman on this planet would be waiting their turn.
The advertisers only do this type of transformation because they know what women are like. So maybe it's time to stop having a go at them and change your own mentality. Just a thought. - Eclectic Jon 101
Lol - Chanzeland
- Anna Bishop
that's so wrong - olivia kaitlyn
Darn...i liked her before all the bullcrap that was added. Nice and thick too. - Joe White
Hot Ladies in advertisements are only meant for selling the product. Its not saying you must look this way. No difference than hand models for iphones. - tyler nelson
That was scarry. So they constantly lie to us like that? How shameful - Simon Salamina
Abnormal giraffe neck everybody!!!! - BæMarie 217